“My name is Halil, I am 14 y and I am from Yemen. I rather not show my face for the moment. I am still getting used to the idea that I lost my leg. I am still looking for my inner strength to face the challenges that the rest of my life will bring me. In Yemen the whole country is fighting for more than 5 years. My house was bombed, 3 of my brothers, my mother and my father died. I “just” lost one leg, but I am alive and well. I was told that doctors and nurses were operating for 7 hours to save my leg, and then 10 days in intensive care to save my life. So I could be dead or alive without legs if these people didn’t believe in me… And I don’t even have money to pay them… They saved me for free! For some reason I feel that my debt to them and to my family is to be HAPPY. So I am using my free time in the hospital in between rehabilitation to develop strategies to be happy. And then I will show my face. And after I find out how to be happy after all I have lost, I will dedicate my life to make other people happy. Maybe I will be a clown J… I think people will laugh with a one leg clown that is falling and getting up all the time! Or I will be an actor, or a musician… I think the world of artists needs somebody with one leg 😉 I will show them humor, and I will show them humanity, and in between I will show them how important it is to stop this fuckin war!! One way or the other I will go into arts… but art with heart, and soul… art intervention, art that makes you wanna fight for a better Yemen, and a better world! One day I will be happy!”
#humanvoices #bekind #humanity #behappy #yemen #artwithheart #stopthewar