“My name is Elmira, I am 25y and I am from Yemen. Most people think that what kills in wars are just bombs, gunshots and violence, but that’s not true. Violence is the epicenter of all problems, but it´s the indirect consequences of war that kills the uge majority of the Yemeni. Since the war started 5 years ago almost all the hospitals and health centers have become non-functioning. Water, electricity, supply, if one of these is missing the hospitals stop. Qualified human resources are the first to leave when wars start and then hospitals stop. If the hospital stops people die. That’s what kills most of us. My son had appendicitis. It’s a simple surgery, but if it’s not done it is certain death. We were lucky because we found this humanitarian mission that is saving people, otherwise my boy would have been one more for the uncounted statistics. Nobody is counting the thousands of children that are dying all over Yemen due to the indirect consequences of war. Nobody! We are poor, and uneducated people. Schools are not running, especially for girls. How can you save the country if girls are not going to school? Young women are the only hope for a better future. I am a teacher. I teach Arab and English, mostly to girls. I teach in my small house because the school is closed. I want to give the tools for the future women of Yemen to be educated. I want to give them a pathway to knowledge as it is the most powerful weapon against poverty, starvation, suffering and war. “Put the girls into school” I have been saying and the rest will happen. It would help if the world of the rich would stop making wars in Yemen, but I focus on what depends on me. I teach girls to empower them in terms of self love for their body, economic independence and a solid role in the solution for peace in Yemen, so young children don’t have to die due to common diseases. I teach girls and I am sure the world will be better!”
#humanvoices #yemen #bekind #stopthewar #teachthegirls #womeneducation