“My name is Jean Paul. I am from Burundi and I am 5y. I was playing around, chasing my younger sister while my mother was cooking dinner, and I had an accident with boiling water that burned my legs. Burundi is a very beautiful country, full of green mountains and our amazing lake Tanganika that has many crocodiles and hippopotamus. They are very big so I am very afraid of them. My grandfather says that our history is very, very old. Some people think there is no history in Africa, but it´s not true. We just didn´t write it, and the kingdom of Burundi is here since the time of very old ages. But nowadays we are living horrible days, where some people want to kill other people just because they belong to from different groups. And that’s why we are very poor. And that’s why everybody has to cook with hot water that is very dangerous for children. Many children get burned because of that. I have been in the hospital for 2 months. In the beginning doctors did the dressings in the operation theater, now they do it in a hot tub. It hurts a little bit, but my mother sings me songs so I calm down. I like to ear her sing, it feels like home that I miss so much. Sometimes I need blood transfusions, and then I get stronger. But don´t worry, I am happy most of the time, because I know that when I grow up, I want to be the president of Burundi, so I can make people live happy and peacefully with each other, and happy with the green mountains and the lake, and also happy with all the animals including crocodiles and hippopotamus, because one day I will not be afraid of them. I am stronger now after being for so long in the hospital, because I have time to think. It will be useful for my presidency!”
#humanvaoices #burundi #bekind #stopthewar #beagoodpresident