GC: “Heyyyy little friend, why are you sad?”
Isaac: “I am not sad, I just have tears in my eyes.”
GC: “Ahh, ok. Why do you have tears in your eyes?”
Isaac: “Because I am afraid.”
GC: “Ohhh my dear, don’t be afraid of the operation room.”
Isaac: “I am not afraid of the operation room, I have been here many times to clean my burns, and everybody is very nice to me.”
GC: “So why is your heart hurting?”
Isaac: “Because I lost my family. When the bomb exploded in Mosul, they took me to this hospital and the rest of my family to other hospital.”
GC: “Are you alone now?”
Isaac: “No. Doctors and nurses are my friends, but I miss my family.”
GC: “Ohhh. I am sorry to hear that, but I am sure that somebody will find them.”
Isaac: “Really? Do you think? Who can find them?”
GC: “Mmmm… the Red Cross/Crescent helps people to find their families in war zones. They go around the whole country, and make list of people that are lost because of the war, and then find their families, and reunites them J .”
Isaac: “Really?”
GC: “Yes they do that in every war, for many, many years.”
Isaac: “Even for small boys like me?”
GC: “Specially for small boys like you!”
Isaac: “But I have no money.”
GC: “J They do it for free, my dear.”
Isaac: “But who pays these people that work for the Red Cross/Crescent?”
GC: “People from all over the world.”
Isaac: “People from the world want to help me find my family?”
GC: “Yes, they do. Everybody wants you to find your family.”
Isaac: “Uaaauuuu, they are nice people. Do you think I will find them?”
GC: “I am sure you will.”
Isaac: “Will you help me to find them?”
GC: “I promise I will help you to contact the Red Cross/Crescent all over Iraq.”
Isaac: “And do you promise we will find them?”
GC: “I promise, if you promise to smile instead of crying.”
Isaac: “I promise I will smile all day, every day J !”
GC: “ J, deal!”
Isaac: “ J yeaaahhhhhhh”