“My name is Fatima, I am from Yemen, and I am 26 y. To be a mother is supposed to be a happy moment, but I am not feeling that happy. This child was made out of love, but that love is not here anymore. My husband died crashed by a bomb attack from the skies. He was a good man, he was a teacher and believed in education as the salvation of the war in our country and the future of the next generations. He was the only love of my life. Who can be so cruel to bomb innocent people? Other members of our family also died, and some survived without their legs. I was pregnant of 6 months when it happened, it was so traumatic that I thought I was going to loose my baby, but my husband last words kept me strong. I talked to him while he was bleeding to death. He told me: “Tell our daughter to be a journalist, so she can tell the world what is happening in Yemen”. The last thing he saw was my eyes shinning of hope, because I knew then that my daughter, just born in the worst humanitarian crises of the last 100 years, is going to tell the truth about the world, the truth about our country, and the truth about humanity, I will call her Hope. One day when she grows up, maybe is not Yemen that is being destroyed, maybe it´s your country and your family, but Hope will be there to tell the truth. A bit by bit Hope will make the world better, that I know. I just don’t know how my husband knew that it was going to be a girl. Hope.”